Your new monthly Analytics report

Want a new Analytics report every month?

Monthly reports as part of maintenance packages included a summary of site visitors’ usage via Google Analytics.

But for better or worse, Google Analytics has evolved and since July 2023 has been running with the new GA4 system.

New system, new metrics, new graphics. Reports have changed, and so has the maintenance.

To keep up with the new metrics and give our customers more information on their websites, we decided to change everything.


There are now two monthly reports in our maintenance packages.

The first covers maintenance. Traditional, as we know it, it summarizes everything maintenance has done in the previous month. Updates, backups, availability, security, etc.

The second report focuses solely on Google Analytics and Google Search Console, with your website’s ranking and how visitors use it. Most viewed pages, number of visitors, mobile, Windows or Mac users, engagement rate, but also the number of impressions and clicks and the best pages on Google.

And that’s not all. The report comes with a link to an online version. A version you can easily modify to target your research. Only visits in Belgium, on smartphone, in the last three days, …

You’ll know (much) more about your visitors…


To benefit from this report, subscribe to a maintenance package with monthly reporting, or contact us for a customized setup.

Want to take a look at the report? Here’s an overview …

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