Will your website disappear next month?

Do you have a Google My Business website? It’s not very common in Belgium, but a few years ago you may have chosen to create your free website via Google My Business. Well, nothing’s free, or not for long (or maybe you’re the product). And Google has announced that it’s putting an end to this service. 21.7 million sites will disappear overnight. Phew, nearly 22 million sites. 22 million sites! And 274,763 sites in Belgium, according to the BuiltWith website.

So much the worse for their owners and the companies that relied on them. We’ll have to start all over again. And quickly, if you don’t want to lose customers.

And since every cloud has a silver lining, this gives us the opportunity to remind you that your business deserves much better.


Take control of your data, your business card, your website. With a site of your own that doesn’t disappear overnight. It’s your site, and only you should have the right of life or death over it. Like with WordPress, for example…

Facebook articles, Instagram posts, Google pages… these are great marketing tools, but the site brings stability. Nothing can guarantee your long-term visibility and presence, but a website is the only thing that comes close.


So what if you have a Google My Business site? Don’t worry, you can migrate it to a WordPress site. You’ll get your site back, but installed on your own hosting. On a quality WordPress platform that can last for years. That you can evolve as your business grows. And that you can always count on.

And if you’ve got a few hours (or days) to spare and are comfortable with the Internet, you can take care of it yourself. If not, we’re ready to help you make the transition.


Migration of content, choice of host, WordPress tools like themes and plugins, local SEO, redirection of the old site, changes to your profile, maintenance of the WordPress site.

Once your site is up and running, we’ll be there for you. A bit like your digital concierge service. Your personal helpdesk. And above all, with your website that no one can take offline without your input.


So make the right choice for your business. Get in touch with us.


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